


Kurzsichtig Flirten

nicht sprechen
kein Entgegenkommen
nicht zunicken
nur anblicken
nur Augenkontakt

nicht unterbrechen
kein Realitäts-Check
nicht einknicken
nur Fantasie
nur ein Traum

nicht wagen
keine Blöße
nicht gewinnen
nur schlafwandeln
nur mal schaun


you cannot die in the internet

and this matter of fact
keeps my head up
for now

you cannot die in the internet
cause the internet does not forget

and your avatar is still present
at the gmail chat
and your deleted tweets are still saved
at some account for braves
and if I enter your name at the search engine
I tend to betray this cruel destiny

you cannot die in the internet,
cause the internet does not forget

and you´ll remain one big junction point
within my head, within my virtual net
and I still see this huge potential
at a linked in profile
and I still want
to ask you about live

and you´ll not answer back
and this matter of fact
makes me sad

but I still will - hack reality and promise your soul - to never forget
because you just cannot die in this virtual net
of mine